Praxis of Technology Literacy

Elli Corbin
2 min readMay 5, 2021

Throughout the course of the semester, we covered many different topics surrounding technology. Before this class, I thought I had already had a good grasp on the use of technology and how we use it within our world. I use and understand technology everday but there is room for a much deeper understanding of it. I feel as though my Technology literacy has greatly increased since the start of this class becuase I am able to look at technology and systems of technology and design in a more educated way. Technology Literacy is a term that is used that can almost be used as a determinate of how educated you are on the topic of technology. In a book called Defining Technology Literacy , it states, “technological literacy was described as hav-ing three interrelated dimensions — knowledge, ways of thinking andacting, and capabilities”. Understanding technology and being technologically literate is important because technology is used in so many ways; usually more than we realize.

After this semester, I think it is extremly important to continue to educate myself on technology. My new understanding of technology has allowed me to realize that there is so much to learn about it and that it is constantly changing so continued to educate myself through scholarly and peer reviewed articles as well as listening to podcasts and keeping up with the news are all ways I can continue to keep myself technologically literate.

Overall, the thing that struck me the most this semester was facial recognition systems. They are being used all over and many people dont realize it. I think that it is a very alarming issue that could potentially create a very big future problem if it is not governed correctly, but in order for people to understand the seriouness of this issue, they need to become educated on it first. Facial recognition systems can falsely identify people, especially women and people of color which creates another structure of inequality within our country and takes away a portion of our right to privacy.

Moving forward, I have experienced that it is important to understand the influence of design and the outcomes of what you create. Inclusivity and reason for designs can have a big impact on people and the world and by taking the time to do reasearch and create things in an ethical and thought out way is going to be the most successful. When we think about technology most people think about computers or phones, but when it comes to design and building things to add to our world no matter what it is, technology plays a role in the building of it. Moving forward I understand that ethical design of my future projects and work life is extremly important.

